Instal the new version for iphoneHitmasters Shotgun
Instal the new version for iphoneHitmasters Shotgun

PowerShell provides the Save-Module cmdlet that can be run from a PowerShell terminal to do this.

instal the new version for iphoneHitmasters Shotgun

If you are on a network that does not permit Internet access to the PowerShell Gallery,ĭownload the required PowerShell modules on an alternative device that has access. To download and install the latest SDK see Download. NET will not be automatically downloaded and installed. These additional modules are only required for building PSRule. The following PowerShell modules will be automatically install if the required versions are not present: This build script will compile the module and documentation then output the result into out/modules/PSRule. build.ps1 from a PowerShell terminal in the cloned path.

instal the new version for iphoneHitmasters Shotgun instal the new version for iphoneHitmasters Shotgun

PSRule is provided as open source on GitHub. Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Repository PSGallery -Scope CurrentUser -Force Install-Module -Name 'PSRule' -Repository PSGallery -Scope AllUsers -AllowPrerelease Building from source #

Instal the new version for iphoneHitmasters Shotgun